Quantum Optics Lab


Ksenia Samburskaya


Date and place of birth
15th January 1984

Affiliation and official address
V.A.Fock Physics Institute, St. Petersburg State University, 198504 Uljanovskaya ul. 1, Stary Petershof, St. Petersburg, Russia
cell phone:
home tel.:
fax: 8 (812) 428 7240

B.Sc., Physics Faculty (2006), St. Petersburg State University,
M.Sc., Physics Faculty (2009), St. Petersburg State University, Thesis: Quantum properties of a pixel source radiation in the near and far fields.
Ph.D.: Physics Faculty (2013), St. Petersburg State University, Thesis: Parallel quantum memory for optical images based on the lambda-scheme of atomic levels

SPb State University | V. A. Fock Physics Institute | Physics Faculty | ©2005 Quantum Optics Group